In a lively fusion of martial arts and community celebration, Stride Martial Arts and Fitness, owned by Matt and Amber Waters, marked its grand opening with a heartfelt ribbon-cutting ceremony on Sunday, Oct. 15, 2023. The event, attended by nearly 100 attendees, illuminated the excitement and spirit of the local community, all while offering a flavor of what the studio will bring to Excelsior Springs.
The festivities included vibrant activities designed to entertain attendees of all ages. The crowd enjoyed the artistry of a balloon artist, sipped on frosty drinks, and indulged in delicious offerings from the Meltbox Food Truck. A special appearance by KC Wolf further elevated the spirited atmosphere, leaving attendees beaming with delight.
While the atmosphere buzzed with joy and anticipation, many seized the opportunity to sign up for martial arts classes, availing of the studio’s discounted rates available on the inauguration day.
During the event, Matt Waters, visibly moved, addressed the crowd in an emotional speech. Pausing occasionally to maintain composure, he read from a list, acknowledging individuals who played pivotal roles in bringing Stride to fruition. The moment became particularly poignant when expressing gratitude towards his family, where his voice, rich with emotion, conveyed the depths of his appreciation.
Amber Waters, dedicated her address to highlight the determination and relentless effort her husband invested into the establishment of the facility. Her words illustrated a journey forged through dedication and an unwavering belief in bringing quality martial arts training to the community.
In a culminating moment, the Excelsior Springs Chamber of Commerce officiated the ribbon-cutting ceremony, symbolizing the official opening of Stride. Attendees, adhering to martial arts etiquette of removing shoes, then flooded onto the mats, inaugurating them with the first of many future footfalls.
Stride Martial Arts and Fitness, now officially open, stands as a beacon for martial arts training and community building in Excelsior Springs. Those wishing to learn more can visit or engage with the studio on Facebook.
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