Support local independent journalism by partnering with the Excelsior Citizen! As a trusted news source, we keep the community informed about local events, developments, and issues. By advertising with us, you not only reach a targeted audience but also show your commitment to the community’s growth and success. Your support helps ensure residents have access to reliable, unbiased reporting. Partner with us to build strong connections, foster brand loyalty, and contribute to Excelsior Springs’ vibrant economy.
Media Outlets
Over the past eight years, the Excelsior Citizen Facebook Group has grown and transitioned to become Excelsior Springs’ #1 source of news and information. With more than 28,900 curated group members and over 13,250 interactions each day, there’s no better way to reach an audience in this area. Advertising into the group is free for all businesses/organizations/citizens.
The Excelsior Citizen e-newsletter is sent out to more than 3,700 area residents! Our newsletter is a digest of the week’s most important headlines and upcoming events, delivered straight to your inbox. Hyper-local headlines generate open and click-through rates far above industry averages at 48-50%.
If you are a sponsor, your advertisement will be rotated into the newsletter for free!
The Excelsior Citizen website is designed to be eye-catching and well-organized. A home for our featured articles and original content. Launched in July of 2021 we are now averaging 15,000-20,000 unique visitors per month, with many of them returning, averaging 25,000-30,000 sessions per month. Our ads are being seen between 800,000-1 million views a month total. On average, and depending on what news is taking place, advertisers ads are being seeing from 35,000-45,000 times a month.
We’re able to track the traffic on our site, how many impressions (views) it received, and how many direct click throughs to your website have been made to report back to you.
Video and Live Events
Our unique online presence in the community allows us to offer content that others may not. Some of our most positive feedback has come from our video coverage of events. Live streams and recordings of City Council and Board of Education meetings as well as coverage of special events, are streamed directly to our Facebook Page and Group as well as our YouTube Channel. Video allows us to share stories about our community that you won’t find anywhere else.
Other Services We Offer
Website Design*
Website Hosting*
Drone Video/Photos
Social Media Management*
SEO and Analytics*
Digital Marketing
Direct Email Marketing*
Google Business
*Services offered in partnership with Morgansites.com
Ready to get Started? Send us a message and we’ll reach out to you with prices and a plan to help you grow your impact in our community.