Excelsior Springs High School Senior Awards Ceremony Honors Achievements

Students eagerly awaited their names to be called (photo Megan Gantt).

The Excelsior Springs High School Senior Awards Ceremony, held on May 11, 2023, was a momentous event that celebrated the achievements and contributions of the graduating seniors. The ceremony recognized their hard work, dedication, and outstanding accomplishments through the presentation of various scholarships and honors. Community and school leaders came together to show their support and appreciation for these aspiring future leaders.

The Awards and recipients were as follows:

American Legion Post 236: Recognizes outstanding qualities and community contributions.
Recipients: Sydney Stack, Naomi Beissenherz

Assistance League of Kansas City: Acknowledges commitment to education and community involvement.
Recipients: Kyra Davidson, Lana Ryan

Bonnie Casto Memorial Scholarship: Honors students who made the most of opportunities at ESHS and will pursue higher education.
Recipients: Mason Danner, Kelsey Coleman

Quarterback Club Scholarship: Awarded for excellence in academics and involvement in school activities.
Recipients: Olivia Kelley, Mason Danner

Kerry Woods Memorial Scholarship: Commemorates dedication to education and personal growth.
Recipient: Lillian Hughes

Red Swickard Scholarship: Recognizes outstanding achievements in academics and extracurricular activities.
Recipients: Paris Edwards, Olivia Kelley, Ryan Gluhm

Business Women of Missouri Scholarship: Highlights exceptional leadership skills.
Recipient: Naomi Beissenherz

Carolyn Schutte Scholarship for Outstanding Leadership: Recognizes exceptional leadership qualities within the school community
Recipient: Mason Danner

Chris Wetzel Memorial Scholarship: Commemorates the memory of Chris Wetzel and his impact on the school.
Recipient: Braxton Moffett

Community Blood Center Blood Drive Scholarship: Acknowledges dedication to promoting blood donation within the community.
Recipient: Kelsey Coleman

Excelsior Springs Area Chamber of Commerce Scholarship: Recognizes accomplishments and contributions to the local community.
Recipient: Jesafin Xiong

Excelsior Springs Area Cultural Guild Scholarship: Celebrates commitment to art, music, or drama.
Recipients: Olivia Kelley, Emerie Peterson, Ellen Pranke, Lillian Hughes

Excelsior Springs Hospital Auxiliary: Honors academic achievements and dedication to the healthcare field.
Recipients: Grace Nedblake, Sydney Strack

Gary M Kennedy Scholarship: Recognizes aspirations to become a teacher.
Recipient: Mateya Figueroa

Martha Jarman Scholarship: Celebrates academic achievements and future goals.
Recipient: Sydney Strack

Optimist Club of Excelsior Springs Lambert Clark Dickey Scholarship: Acknowledges positive attitude and commitment to the community.
Recipient: Jane Pemberton

Terri Garbison Award: Recognizes pursuit of higher education within Missouri.
Recipient: Mason Danner

Excelsior Springs Rotary Scholarship: Honors outstanding achievements in academics and community service.
Recipients: Julianna Morton, Ellen Pranke

Gregg Williams Foundation Scholarship: Acknowledges accomplishments and dedication to education.
Recipients: Annalise Selby, Quinten Shanks

Irene Jeffries Memorial Scholarship: Recognizes academic achievements and commitment to excellence.
Recipient: Naomi Beissenherz

John Bowen Memorial Scholarship: Celebrates athletic achievements and leadership qualities.
Recipient: Kyra Davidson

KC Scholars: Recognizes commitment to higher education and achievements in academics.
Recipients: Joshua Oldham, Destiny Dominis, Alex Carter, Kyra Davidson

Kori Quinn Memorial Scholarship: Honors passion and dedication in memory of Kori Quinn.
Recipients: Mason Danner, Kyra Davidson, Lauren Mueller, Mary Denton Lamb

Mary Denton Lamb Award: Recognizes dedication and commitment to the community.
Recipient: Jane Pemberton

Army National Guard: Acknowledges commitment to serving in the Army National Guard.
Recipient: Francisco Sanchez

United States Marines: Honors dedication and service in the United States Marines.
Recipient: Colin McCartney

United States Marine Corps Distinguished Athlete Award: Recognizes courage, poise, self-confidence, and leadership as high school athletes.
Recipients: Rakai Gantt, Annalise Selby

United States Marine Corps Scholastic Excellence Award: Celebrates academic achievements and leadership as high school scholars.
Recipient: Lillian Hughes

United States Marine Corps Semper Fidelis Musician Award: Recognizes musical talents and dedication to the arts.
Recipient: Joshua Oldham

Seniors celebrate at the graduation ceremony on May 13, 2023 (photo Megan Gantt).

The Excelsior Springs community couldn’t be prouder of these graduating seniors and their remarkable achievements. These young individuals have demonstrated exceptional dedication, talent, and resilience throughout their high school journey. The Senior Awards Ceremony served as a platform to recognize their hard work and dedication, and it was a testament to their potential as they embark on the next chapter of their lives. The community is filled with hope and excitement for the future, knowing that these exceptional young individuals will go on to become influential leaders and make a positive impact in their chosen paths. Good luck to all of this year’s graduating seniors!

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