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Efforts Underway to Fund Tommy McKown Memorial Shelter

Growing up in Excelsior Springs, Tommy was a course champ and a state golf competitor (submitted).

After Excelsior Springs native Tom McKown was killed in a tragic boating accident at Lake of the Ozarks on August 21, 2022, his family and friends began searching for a way to memorialize the man they so sorely miss. Tom was an avid golfer, he grew up playing at the Excelsior Springs Golf Course where he eventually became a club champion. Tom also went on to place in the Class 4A State Golf Championship in 1982, proudly representing Excelsior Springs. Although Tom eventually settled in the St. Louis area, he would often come back to visit his family and play in local tournaments.

Tom’s brother, Jim McKown, and close friend Mike Jarman (along with others) thought it would only be right to create a memorial at the golf course, a place near and dear to Tom. On one of their outings, Tom and Jim noticed an open space along the course just behind the 8th green, now overgrown with weeds, where there used to be a small pavilion that housed vending machines. 

Together, it was decided that a new and improved shelter house would be a fitting tribute to Tom, a man who worked hard to provide for his family. Jim said they envision creating a place for golfers in case of inclement weather and that could offer additional entertainment space during tournaments and events. Since Tom was a state golf champion, there has been some discussion about creating a space within the shelter to display a plaque or plaques with the names of the individual and team champions from Excelsior Springs.

The pavilion at the Excelsior Springs Golf Course. Tommy’s family and friends hope to build a smaller but similar memorial (photo S Jason Cole).

Last fall, a proposal to construct the shelter was approved by the City Council and the plan for the shelter began to move forward. Since the memorial will be privately funded, Jim (and others) have begun fundraising to gather the resources needed to construct the shelter. Owen Lumber has made a commitment to help with drawings and will offer materials at a discount. The family is also working with the Excelsior Springs Community Foundation to solicit donations, with a goal of raising $25,000 to fully fund the effort.

“We’re trying to do something that we think will enhance the golf course for generations to come, and when people see it, they’re gonna think of my brother Tommy,” said Jim.

To make a contribution to help fund the Tommy McKown Memorial Shelter visit the Community Foundation Website.

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