Council Recap: Residents Condem Councilman’s Role in School Board Member’s Resignation

Watch a full replay of this meeting on the Excelsior Citizen YouTube Channel.

Excelsior Springs, Mo. (Feb. 3, 2025) – Excelsior Springs council approved a park improvement project Monday, but discussions over city infrastructure took a backseat as residents clashed with officials over a school board controversy that has divided the community.

Council Approves Boundless Backyard Parking Lot

Council approved a resolution awarding a $59,400 contract to Phillips Paving Co. for the construction of a parking lot at the new Boundless Backyard park off Milwaukee Street.

Parks and Recreation Director Nate Williams presented the bid to the council, noting that it was the lowest and best bid received. The Parks and Recreation Board had previously approved the bid during its meeting the prior Tuesday.

“This is the first step to being able to access the Boundless Backyard,” Williams said. “This would be the drive up front off Milwaukee and the parking spaces.”

The council unanimously approved Resolution No. 1549 with a 5-0 vote. Work on the project is expected to begin this spring.

Lexington Man Proposes Mountain Bike Trails

A Lexington man pitched a concept to the City Council on Monday, proposing the development of mountain bike trails in Excelsior Springs.

Devon Harris, who owns a remodeling and landscaping business, spoke to council members about his long-term vision of building trails across Missouri. He said he is working with Lexington, Richmond, and Waverly to build trails and hopes to expand his efforts to Excelsior Springs.

“My main goal is to bring outdoor activities to communities,” Harris said. “I eventually want to work toward getting schools to add sports like mountain biking, cross-country obstacle running, or frisbee golf.”

Harris identified an 18-acre area near Golf Hill Drive and Old Time Drive as a potential location for trails in Excelsior Springs. He cited its steep terrain and an existing power line right-of-way as ideal for both biking and hiking paths.

Harris is still determining whether his efforts will take the form of a nonprofit, solely volunteer work, or a new business venture; he said he is committed to his dream of trail building. However, he noted that insurance costs remain a hurdle, with quotes exceeding $8,000 per year.

Apparently, unbeknownst to Harris, an initiative to bring mountain bike trails to the city is already in motion. A local businessman and founder of the Opal Wapoo Gravel Grinder, Phil Scherer, has been working with Urban Trail Co. to develop trails at little to no cost to the city in the very location identified by Harris.

No action was taken on the information presented.

Residents Criticize Councilman’s Role in School Board Resignation

Tensions over a local school board controversy spilled into Monday’s City Council meeting as residents criticized Mayor Pro Tem Stephen Spear for his role in the resignation of school board member Troy Snelling.

The controversy began in January when Snelling, then vice president of the Excelsior Springs School Board, made a Facebook comment comparing Trump supporters to Nazis. Screenshots of the post were circulated in conservative online groups, leading to public backlash. Spear started a petition demanding Snelling resign, saying he did so as a private citizen, not in his capacity as a councilman. However, screenshots online show he apparently corresponded with MO RINO Watch using the title of Mayor.

Snelling ultimately resigned, citing harassment and alleged death threats.

Two community members, Shawna Mull, and Kevin Morgan, spoke during the public comment period, voicing concerns that Spear had “weaponized” his position on the council.

Shawna Mull speaks at the Excelsior Springs City Council meeting, criticizing Mayor Pro Tem Stephen Spear’s role in the resignation of a school board member. Mull voiced concerns about national political influence in local government (photos S Jason Cole).

Mull objected to Spear’s involvement in a petition calling for Snelling’s removal and pointed to Spear’s correspondence with far-right social media group MO RINO Watch. Spear has denied any affiliation with the group, stating that he has never been a member of the page and never personally posted his petition on any social media platform.

“For the record, I am not nor have I ever been a member of the referenced RINO Facebook Page,” Spear stated in a Facebook message to the Citizen. 

“You were elected to represent all of Excelsior Springs,” Mull said. “In my opinion, you have done a disservice to the greater community by starting this petition.”

Read Mull’s full transcribed statement below:

I’m here to—I’m here to object to Mr. Spear’s use of his office as mayor pro tem of Excelsior Springs to oust a duly elected official of the Excelsior Springs School Board.

The social media page Missouri RINO Watch has proudly shared your quote with a misrepresentation and out-of-context comments of Mr. Snelling. If you don’t mind, I’m going to read from that page real quick. And this has been edited from their page.

So, January 24th is what it says: ‘Excelsior Springs Mayor Pro Tem Steven Spear has called for a public apology from Snelling or immediate resignation over his heinous comments. He has also started a petition for Snelling’s removal. This is the strength of the people’s voice’ on a Missouri RINO Watch page.

You’re quoted here, sir:

“I am contacting the school board president, Tray Harkins, requesting a public apology or immediate resignation. I’m also contacting the State School Board of Education.”

And this looks like it’s signed: ‘Mayor Spear.’

Now, Mr. Spear—Mr. Spear, excuse me—you are elected to be a representative of all Excelsior Springs, all the citizens, and thereby should have stayed impartial, in my opinion, on this issue.

The Excelsior Springs school system serves more people than just Excelsior citizens. You have yourself, now, done a disservice to the greater community by starting the petition for Mr. Snelling’s resignation. The fire did not need to be fanned for your political view, sir.

In my opinion, you and your actions—and affiliations with this political faction of watchers—are dangerous to our community and our government. The page seems to just call out anyone who doesn’t agree with party policies, and that isn’t right. That’s not right.

Let me be clear—I am not defending Mr. Snelling. Not at all. I am publicly here to say to this council and ask—You are our peers. To me, this makes you no better than Mr. Snelling, what you did. And if any of the rest of you condone Mr. Spear’s mayoral action on this issue, please, we want to know now. I want to know now.

(Interrupted) My time is up?

Thank you. Thank the law for letting me speak.

Kevin Morgan addresses the Excelsior Springs City Council during the public comment period on Monday, as community members listen in. The meeting, which included discussions on a park project and a mountain bike trail proposal, was largely dominated by debate over a recent school board controversy.

Morgan echoed similar concerns, saying the situation alienated some residents and created fear.

“This has sent a chill through the community,” Morgan said. “I’d like to hear some kind of assurance from the council… that this council… won’t be weaponized for political reasons.”

The comments made during the visitor’s forum were not directly addressed.

Read Morgan’s full transcribed statement below:

I think this situation with the petition—the way that it was handled—scared people in Excelsior.

I think our greatest asset is our inclusiveness here—that all of us are included in what makes up our community. And I think this has sent a chill through people who want to get involved. If you vote for this person, or he votes for that person, that might come back to harm you.

I don’t really believe that about our council as a whole, but I think there needs to be some statement or some assurance from the council—publicly—that this council and this city won’t be weaponized for political reasons.

I think people know that you guys have done a great job, but this—this is a problem for our community, and it’s contributed to a lot of fear. We don’t need that here.

And I’d like to ask you to please—please—make a statement or a comment that assures people that you aren’t part of that.

Mayor Spohn Defends Spear, Calls for ‘Ceasefire’

At the end of the meeting, Mayor Mark Spohn read a statement in support of Spear, condemning what he called an effort to “smear” Spear.

“I will remain silent no more and allow my fellow councilman and mayor pro tem to be portrayed as the boogeyman in this situation,” Spohn said. “Mr. Spear responded publicly to a public offense as a concerned stakeholder in this community. That is the privilege and the right that every one of us in this room have.”

To ease the pressure on Spear, Spohn claimed that school board president Tray Harkins had already asked Snelling to resign before Spear’s petition gained traction.

In an interview with the Excelsior Citizen, Harkins said he received a text from Spear urging him to request Snelling’s resignation. Harkins said he then spoke with Snelling about how the controversy could become a distraction from the upcoming April election and asked if he would consider stepping down before the situation escalated.

In his message to the Citizen, Spear clarified the timeline of events, sharing screenshots of his conversation with Harkins and adding, “I learned of Snelling’s comments from a personal friend who shared the screenshots with me. After confirming with multiple sources that they were true, I reached out to Tray Harkins. Upon learning that Harkins had been aware of the comments for 2 weeks with no action, I created and shared my petition with personal friends who were as upset as me at the comments made.”

During the council meeting, Spohn emphasized that the statement he was making was in his capacity as a private citizen but read his statement while seated at the council dais.

“Do I need to go around and stand before the podium?” Spohn asked City Attorney Paul Campo.

“I don’t know what you’re going to say,” said Campo.

“I don’t mean to put you on the spot… well, let me make it from here, and you tell me if I’m wrong,” continued Spohn.

“Once you say it, it’s too late,” Campo said.

Spohn called for an end to the controversy, urging residents to “distance ourselves from the negativity that thrives on social media.”

“We deserve leadership that listens, engages, and builds bridges rather than burns them,” Spohn said. “Let’s focus on what truly matters—working together to make Excelsior Springs the best it can be.”

Read Spohn’s full transcribed statement below:

Over the past few weeks, our community has been deeply affected by inflammatory comments—comments made by a member of the Excelsior Springs School Board. The remark sparked outrage among many residents who rightly expect a higher standard from those in positions of public trust.

Other than a prayer for our community that I shared on my personal and city council social media pages, I have remained silent on this issue until now. I will remain silent no more and allow my fellow councilman and mayor pro tem, Steven Spear, to be portrayed as the boogeyman in this situation. Mr. Spear responded to the public comments made by Mr. Snelling in accordance with the outrage expressed by many in our community. It is unfortunate that we now find ourselves embroiled in a tit-for-tat effort to smear Mr. Spear for taking an action that was demanded by a large portion of our residents.

His comments to the newspaper and his actions in circulating a petition for Mr. Snelling’s removal were not conducted as formal actions of his role as a city council member, nor were they sanctioned by any official decision of this council. He responded publicly to a public offense as a concerned stakeholder in this community. That is the privilege and the right that every one of us in this room have.

Let me be clear: Mr. Spear was not the first to call for Mr. Snelling’s resignation. School Board President Tray Harkins had already requested Mr. Snelling’s resignation before any recall petition was circulated or any article appeared in the paper. These are facts that can be verified, including in the front-page article published by the Excelsior Springs Standard, which details the conversations and responses surrounding this issue.

I believe that Excelsior Springs is, for the most part, a forgiving and gracious community. Had Mr. Snelling recognized his error in using inflammatory language, especially in a thread directly tied to present and potential school activity, I believe we could have moved past this with a different outcome. Unfortunately, that was not the case, and now, rather than focusing on healing and resolution, we find ourselves in a situation where some are attempting to extract a pound of flesh to get even with Steven.

I am deeply saddened by this entire event and by the efforts to continue fueling division. I respectfully call for a ceasefire. Let the school district continue with the important work of educating our children, and let the city focus on the business of governing Excelsior Springs. I believe we would all do well to distance ourselves from the negativity that thrives on social media and instead focus on cultivating real, meaningful relationships. Face-to-face conversations allow us to observe expressions, communicate emotions, and engage in genuine dialogue—something that cannot be achieved behind the digital facade of counterfeit courage.

Excelsior Springs deserves better. We deserve leadership that listens, engages, and builds bridges rather than burns them. I stand with Mr. Spear not because of political allegiance, but because I believe his actions reflect the concerns of our community. Taken as a private citizen exercising his right to speak out, let’s focus on what truly matters—working together to make Excelsior Springs the best it can be.

And to quote Forrest Gump: “That’s all I got to say about that.”

For background on this issue, read previous coverage: Backlash Over Social Media Comments Prompts School Board VP to Step Down.

**Note: An earlier version of this story, published on Sunday, Feb. 9th, did not include Stephen Spear’s rebuttal of Tray Harkin’s timeline of events, which made it appear as though Harkins spoke with Snelling about resigning only after he’d been contacted by Spear.  The story was updated after the Citizen received a message from Spear on Monday, Feb. 10th, at 6:14 pm with clarifications and further evidence. Edits were made and published on Feb. 10 at 8:10 pm.

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1 thought on “Council Recap: Residents Condem Councilman’s Role in School Board Member’s Resignation”

  1. I appreciate Shawna Mull and Kevin Morgan for speaking up because their statements represent what I—and many others in our community—are feeling right now. We teach our children about free speech in school, yet this situation sends the message that someone can lose their career simply for expressing their political beliefs if they don’t align with the city council’s. That is deeply concerning.

    It was disheartening to see the fears of those in our community who Keven Morgan was speaking for dismissed. Free speech should apply to everyone, not just those with the majority’s viewpoint. It also feels hypocritical to demand a resignation over a political Facebook post because it was made in a public forum while allowing councilmen to be featured on a RINO Watch website without consequence.

    More than anything I have seen on social media, the council’s response to these two citizens increased my concerns. Instead of addressing the deeper issue of fairness and free speech, the discussion only reinforced a growing fear that some voices in our town are not welcome. That should worry all of us, no matter our political views.

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