
Youtube Sensation “Hickory Hacker” Visits Excelsior Springs Golf Course

Excelsior Springs Assistant Golf Course Pro, Austin Hardison poses with Christian Williams, aka the Hickory Hacker (photo S Jason Cole).

The Excelsior Springs Golf Course received a visit from hickory golf expert and YouTube sensation, Christian Williams, aka “the Hickory Hacker” on Monday, April 25th. Based in Connecticut, Williams has garnered a steadily growing audience for the niche sport of period-specific golf played with antique wooden clubs. These old clubs are often constructed with hickory shafts and heads made of either hardwood, such as persimmon, or cast in steel or iron. On his YouTube channel, Williams demonstrates how to find and repair clubs, interviews other hickory golf enthusiasts and collectors, and often records his visits to historically significant courses throughout the country, such as the course here in Excelsior Springs.

Assistant course pro, Austin Hardison reached out to Williams several months ago to see if Williams would be interested in playing the Excelsior Springs course and learning more about the rich history of the site. As it happens, Williams has family near Topeka, KS, and made time to come and play a round of 18 with Hardison while in the area. Williams gave kudos to Hardison for his skilled play and praised the course layout and conditions. Along with Swope Park and St. Joseph courses, the Excelsior Springs course is one of the oldest in the region and has a storied past. According to the Excelsior Springs Golf Course website:

Excelsior Springs Golf Course opened in October, 1915 with the completion of an 18-hole championship course. The club briefly expanded to 36 holes in the late 1920’s, but the Great Depression returned the club to the original 18 holes that are still in place today. This Championship 6553 yard par 72, was designed by renowned golf course architect, Tom Bendelow, who also designed Medinah Country Club, home of the 1949, 1975, & 1990 U.S.Opens as well as Olympia Fields Country Club, where they hosted the 1928 and 2003 U.S.Open and two past PGA Championships.

Hardison, who is a scratch golfer with modern clubs, said he enjoyed the challenge of playing with antique clubs and posted on social media, “I will be playing hickory golf every chance I get!” Williams said he will post the course vlog and interview with Hardison sometime in June on his YouTube Channel and website. (We’ll be sure to share it here on ExcelsiorCitizen.com as well!)

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2 thoughts on “Youtube Sensation “Hickory Hacker” Visits Excelsior Springs Golf Course”

  1. My father used to collect early wood shaft golf clubs…niblics and mashies, among others. When he passed away, I ended up with them. There are quite a few taking up space in my basement. Are there any local golfers who would be interested in purchasing any of them? I need someone knowledgeable to take a look at the collection.

  2. Pingback: Excelsior Springs Weekly News Headlines - May 15, 2022

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