Woods Memorial Christian Church Continues Blessings

Woods Memorial Christian Church members donate to Good Samaritan Center. (Left to right) Joyce McKown, Amanda Hawkins, Paul Oliva, Sara Noblet, Jeanett Baxter, and Diane Teegarden. Photo Courtney Cole

Woods Memorial Christian Church has closed its doors for months but members continue to bless local groups and organizations with generous monetary gifts dedicated to their mission. Previous donations total over $300,000, and the church isn’t done yet! On Monday, November 7th, members of the congregation gathered at The Good Samaritan Center to offer a donation of $57,000, as well as a 2018 Dodge Caravan from Heartland Chevrolet.

“This donation covers two fundraisers that we were unable to have,” said Good Samaritan Center Director Sara Noblet. “This donation will give us financial relief as well as providing a vehicle that we can use for donation pick ups and getting clients to appointments.”

Church member Paul Oliva spearheaded the search for a vehicle, finding the van at the local Chevrolet dealership. “I plan to do regular maintenance on the vehicle, keeping its oil checked and taking care of any problems that might come up.”

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