
Winning Week for Excelsior Springs Youth

This past week was huge for so many Excelsior Springs youth. With Fall Sports and Activities in full swing, there were a number of tournaments, competitions, and games. Check out all these successes from this week:

Excelsior Springs High School Tiger Soccer Hosts Youth Night
The ESHS Men’s Soccer team hosted a Youth Night early in the week that brought together 80 participants!

Excelsior Springs High School Lady Softball Team
The ESHS Softball Team have had a very successful season and this weekend played Platte County in the district tournament. They lost that game, with a score of 9-4, but overall had a great season! (Photos by Marty Wiliams)

Excelsior Springs Drumline Takes 2nd at Competition

ESHS Tiger Cheer took 2nd Place at Regionals and are headed to State competition!

ESHS Tiger Football played Odessa and won with a score of 36-20!

6th Grade Football Won 34-0 over the Warrensburg/Holden Mash Up Team, the War Eagles!

5th Grade Football Won 26-13 in their game with Warrensburg

Excelsior Springs Area Career Center Electrical Trades Participates in International Lineman’s Rodeo

Excelsior Springs High School Freshman Class Holds Renaissance Fair
The 9th Grade Social Literature classes hosted a Renaissance Fair to showcase their learning on Wednesday, October 13th!

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