The Garage and Muggs out, Fowler’s and Bornocos in at Crown Hill Plaza

Crown Hill Plaza and the surrounding area have seen many changes in the past few months. The addition of KC Cannabis, D&S Guns, and the closing of Mugg’s Diner were all significant. The Excelsior Citizen confirmed today that The Garage has also closed permanently and the building has been sold. We were, however, able to verify that although Mugg’s Diner may be gone it will soon be replaced by Bornocos Pub & Grub, a home-style restaurant and pub. We also made a quick stop by Fowler’s Fine Furniture and met with owner Isaiah Fowler to find out more about his family’s operation. Fowler’s has been a long-standing member of the Richmond community, but when they received word that Excelsior Springs was losing both Wicker’s and Annie’s Furniture they felt they needed to step in to fill the void. “Excelsior Springs is too nice to not have a furniture store,” said Fowler. Fowler invited the community to stop by and see for themselves what they have to offer and added that there is much more stock to be added to the showroom. See the video above to meet Isaiah and get a glimpse of the new store. There are many more changes coming to the Excelsior Springs business community and we will be sure to keep our citizens up to date.

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