Talk of the Town – September 16-22, 2024

Talk of the Town

Welcome to Talk of the Town! Each week, we will provide a comprehensive summary of major events, decisions, and discussions that took place in Excelsior Springs. We’ll highlight public comments, social media interactions, and responses from local leaders to give you a well-rounded view of how these stories are impacting our city. We would love your feedback!

Top 3 Stories from the last week

Posts That Got You Talking

Walmart Bomb Threat

On Tuesday, September 17, 2024, there was a bomb threat called in to the local Walmart. Customers were asked to leave their carts and exit the building, asking that they then move away from the building. Employees were displaced to the Magna Seating parking lot where they were accounted for while emergency responders checked the property. Murphy’s Oil was also closed. There was no bomb found.

Citizens expressed their displeasure in seeing these threats continue. Area schools, including Excelsior Springs, have been caught up in threats of violence. Many readers questioned the circumstances we are living in right now, expressed concerns for those involved, and voiced disappointment in not being able to pick up their groceries. After a thorough sweep of the store, it was reopened at 4:00 p.m.
Read the story.

Mold at the Early Childhood Center

When we posted the article summarizing the September 10 school board meeting on Facebook, it sparked a significant discussion about mold remediation at the Early Childhood Center. In response, the Excelsior Citizen has announced a follow-up story to address ongoing questions and concerns. Several sources have already reached out to share their experiences. If you have information to share, please email us. We will protect the anonymity of sources who wish to remain confidential.

Low Plane

Citizen Sherry Christopher shared a photo of a plane flying unusually low over town, sparking over 100 comments as residents shared their experiences of seeing, hearing, and even feeling it pass by. Penelope Larson posted Ring camera footage showing the large shadow the plane cast as it flew over her house. Sherry also noted that Excelsior Springs is on the flight path from St. Joseph, and the Air National Guard often travels to Whiteman Air Force Base. There was some debate over the type of plane, with Brent Richardson confidently identifying it as a C-17, citing its jet engines. Michelle Bosley recommended an app she uses called ‘Flight Radar 24,’ which tracks plane traffic.

Roosevelt and Wyman School Buildings

Roosevelt has been privately owned for decades, with various plans for the space coming and going over the years without much progress. At one point, the Excelsior Springs Football Association cleaned up the field and stands, marking the only public use of the space during this time. The Scream basketball team had considered using the site, but it fell through due to unmet life safety standards. The current owner, who lives nearby, has been in communication and working with the City on future possibilities.

Citizen April Graham shared some helpful information that may be of interest. For anyone wanting to find ownership of a property, you can search for the property with the interactive parcel viewer on the Clay County GIS map.

If the map lists an LLC instead of a person, you can search for more info through the Business Entity search on the Missouri Secretary of State website. 

Graham said, “You can look through documents associated with the business to find more ownership info. Sometimes there is only a registered agent listed. And then it gets tricky to try to figure out who the actual owner is because they’re hiding legally behind the registered agent.”

Popular Posts

This Wyman post sparked significant discussion, generating nearly 200 comments and 18 shares. Many people shared their memories of the building, while others voiced opinions on what should be done with the property, including calls to tear it down. For years, the City struggled to hold out-of-town owners accountable for the building’s condition. It always seemed as though, just as progress was being made through legal channels, ownership would change, restarting the process.

When Molly McGovern became City Manager, one of her first actions was to strike a deal with the county to pay the back taxes and take control of the property. This move was primarily to secure the site, as it had seen numerous break-ins and vandalism, rendering the interior unsafe. While other projects have taken priority, the future of the Wyman building remains a topic of discussion among city leaders. Currently, asbestos removal is underway thanks to a 100% grant the City received from the state. Removing the asbestos is a process that has to be done no matter what happens to the building in the future. Eliminating the expense of abatement should also help entice developers. The City also made improvements to the property during the Parks and Recreation Earth Day Clean-up this past spring.

September is Suicide Awareness Month - Excelsior Springs Hospital Participates

Each year, the staff at Excelsior Springs Hospital observes Suicide Awareness Month by participating in an awareness walk. This year, they wore purple and teal to spark conversations, raise awareness, and remind the community that no one has to face their struggles alone. The hospital also offers a Behavioral Health Department for anyone in need of mental health support.

National Cheeseburger Day

Ray’s Lunch sponsored a “National Cheeseburger Day” celebration for the pups at the Excelsior Springs Animal Control Center! This is the second time that owners Dan Tota and Morgan Newkirk have thrown them a cheeseburger party! One citizen even offered to contribute toward the next effort!

Mamma Mia

ESHS Theatre Instructor Jeff Haney shared several photos of students busily working on the set construction for the fall show, Mamma Mia! Be sure to join them on the weekend of November 8th-9th and 15th-16th at 7:00 pm at the Performing Arts Center at the Excelsior Springs High School.

Other Noteworthy News This Week

Robbie Farabee Sidewalk Chalk Day was Friday

Robbie Farabee creates art on Robbie Farabee Sidewalk Chalk Day. Photo Jason Cole

Robbie was all over town on Friday, September 20th, the official “Robbie Farabee Sidewalk Chalk Day” that was established last year by Mayor Mark Spohn and the city council. Not every community has someone as extraordinary as Robbie Farabee! Whether he’s sharing his chalk art, giving a shout-out for a local business, or attending and covering local events, we all agree that we are so lucky to have him in our community! 

Here’s how the day went in his own words:

Feline Infectious Peritonitis

Feline Infectious Peritonitis is a viral disease in cats that is caused by certain strains of a virus. Without treatment, the average life expectancy is two months or less.

Shorty’s Clip Joint-Barbershop is located in the Y Shopping Center across from Sonic and Bargain Zone!

Seeing this brought back some nostalgia for everyone locally!

Good Neighbor Week

Missouri’s Good Neighbor Week is taking place September 28th-October 4th! Watch the Excelsior Springs Neighborhoods Facebook Page for updates on what is happening locally! Record your acts of kindness and submit them at

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