Take a Peek Inside Lewis Elementary’s Temporary Classrooms

Lewis Elementary School is embarking on a unique learning journey as students move temporarily to the Early Childhood Center Campus for the upcoming school year while a brand new school building is constructed downtown. Kindergarten students will be housed inside the Early Childhood Center while first through fifth grade will be placed in mobile classrooms outside the Early Childhood Center. The innovative approach aims to ensure a seamless educational experience for the students during the construction phase of Lewis.

Dr. Comstock, the Principal of Lewis Elementary, expressed enthusiasm about the transition. “Our teachers have been working hard to get the classrooms ready. They look great and they definitely show the personalities of the teachers, just like a classroom at Lewis would,” she shared.

Ten trailers have been set up, each containing two individual classrooms equipped with their own spaces and bathrooms. These trailers have been thoughtfully decorated by each teacher to capture the spirit and characteristics of the school. The school administration, teachers, and staff have made significant efforts to create a conducive learning environment that any student or parent would expect.

Dr. Comstock outlined how the school day will unfold for the students during this temporary phase. “Art, music, and computer classes will be conducted in trailers, while PE and Library sessions take place inside the building,” she explained.

Staff members will supervise the transitions between classes, recess, and other activities to ensure students’ safety. The school premises have also been equipped with additional cameras to monitor the areas and maintain a secure environment.

Safety remains a top priority, with emergency plans for various scenarios such as intruders, fires, and tornadoes. The trailers are equipped with emergency exits, smoke detectors, fire extinguishers, and other safety features. Regular drills and precautions will be taken to guarantee the safety and well-being of all students and staff.

To provide parents and guardians with an opportunity to get acquainted with the new learning setup, Lewis Elementary is hosting an open house event on August 21st from 5 to 7 PM at the Early Childhood Center. Attendees will be able to visit both the classrooms inside the building and those in the trailers. Staff members will be available to guide visitors to their children’s classrooms and answer any questions they may have.

“We’re really excited to see everyone and welcome them back and prepare for a great school year,” Dr. Comstock exclaimed. 

The trailer setup is expected to continue until December 2024, with the new building anticipated to be completed by then. Barring any setbacks, students are expected to move into the new school for the spring semester of 2025.

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