On April 2, 2022, Spire filed a natural gas rate case with the Missouri Public Service Commission seeking a net increase in its natural gas revenues of approximately $151.9 million. According to the local public hearing notice, in this case, approximately $8.5 million of the $151.9 million requested is already currently being collected under the Infrastructure System Replacement Surcharge (ISRS) that appears as a separate line item on customer bills. So the overall increase in annual natural gas revenues, as proposed by Spire, would be approximately $143.4 million.
The Missouri Public Service Commission will hold local public hearings in October in a natural gas rate case filed by Spire Missouri, Inc. (Spire). The Commission will hold an in-person local public hearing in St. Louis on October 12, 2022, and one in Kansas City on October 18, 2022. There will also be a virtual local public hearing held on October 13, 2022. The local public hearing schedule appears below.
October 12—St. Louis. St. Louis Community College-Florissant Valley, Student Center Multipurpose Room, 3400 Pershall Road. The hearing starts at 6:00 p.m., beginning with a public information/question and answer session conducted by the PSC Staff, followed by the Commission receiving testimony from the public.
October 13—Virtual Local Public Hearing starts at noon. See further details below*
October 18—Kansas City. Gregg/Klice Community Center, Large Meeting Room, 1600 E. 17th Terrace. The hearing starts at 6:00 p.m., beginning with a public information/question and answer session conducted by the PSC Staff, followed by the Commission receiving testimony from the public.
These local public hearings will be held in facilities that meet the accessibility requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Any person who needs additional accommodations to participate in these hearings should call the Public Service Commission’s hotline at 1-800-392-4211 or TDD Hotline at 1-800-829-7541 before the hearings.
* To attend the virtual local public hearing by telephone, at the time of the hearing, call toll-free 1-855-718-6621, listen to the prompt, and enter the meeting number (2469 900 3915) followed by # (pound/hashtag symbol). If prompted for a password, enter 0179. To participate by video/Internet, visit the website www.webex.com. You can also download the Cisco WebEx meetings application on your mobile device, laptop, desktop, or tablet prior to the hearing and join the meeting at the hearing time by entering the corresponding access code and password listed above.
To facilitate an orderly presentation that can be preserved for the record, members of the public who wish to participate in the virtual local public hearing should sign-up by sending their first and last name, phone number, and email address to pscinfo@psc.mo.gov or by calling 1-800-392-4211 by 5 p.m. the day before the October 13, 2022 hearing.
If you are unable to attend a local public hearing and wish to make written comments, you may contact the Missouri Public Service Commission, P.O. Box 360, Jefferson City, Missouri 65102, or by using the Commission’s electronic filing system at
https://psc.mo.gov/General/Submit_Comments. When submitting comments, please reference File No. GR-2022-0179.
Spire Missouri East provides natural gas service to approximately 663,000 customers in the City of St. Louis as well as the Missouri counties of St. Louis, St. Charles, Butler, Iron, Franklin, Jefferson, Madison, Crawford, St. Francois, and Ste. Genevieve. Spire Missouri West provides natural gas service to approximately 533,000 customers in Andrew, Barry, Barton, Bates, Buchanan, Carroll, Cass, Cedar, Christian, Clay, Clinton, Dade, DeKalb, Greene, Henry, Howard, Jackson, Jasper, Johnson, Lafayette, Lawrence, McDonald, Moniteau, Pettis, Platte, Ray, Saline, Stone and Vernon counties.
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