Timothy Haslett, Jr., who is being held at the Clay Co. Detention Center, appeared in the courtroom (via video) for the first time on Friday morning, October 7, 2022. The Excelsior Citizen’s Jason Cole attended the arraignment that was held, Tuesday, October 11, 2022, at 1:30 PM in the Rooney Justice Center in Liberty, Missouri. At the arraignment, Haslett was solemn and stood with his hands behind his back while three charges were filed against him. Count one was rape in the first degree, punishable by imprisonment for a term of 5-years to life in prison. Count two was kidnapping in the first degree, with a punishment of imprisonment for a term of 5 to 15 years. The third count was for allegations of striking the victim repeatedly with a whip and carries a sentence of 1 to 7 years and a $10,000 fine. These were the initial charges but more charges could be applied pending the findings of the ongoing investigation.
During the arraignment, a plea of “not guilty” was entered and Haslett asked to be represented by a public defender.
The judge brought forth an outstanding case against Haslett from 2021 for careless and imprudent driving. Haslett missed several court appearances in regard to the case and forfeited his bond on two separate occasions. Haslett pled guilty to the careless and imprudent charge and the judge ruled “time served” for the three previous days Haslett had spent in the county detention center. Haslett asked that his bail money be returned so that he could start “a fund for his son.” The judge informed Haslett that in Missouri, bail paid directly to the court is refunded upon sentencing.
Haslett remains in the Clay County Detention Center and awaits his next courtroom appearances. The judge scheduled a Bond Hearing for October 18, 2022, at 1:30 PM and a Preliminary Hearing was scheduled for December 2, 2022, at 9:00 AM, both at the James S. Rooney Justice Center. 11 South Water Street, Liberty, MO.
See the probable cause statement and official charges, obtained from the Clay County Prosecutor’s office, listed below.
Probable Cause Statement
On 10/07/2022 at about 0747 hours, Excelsior Springs officers were dispatched to (redacted) on the report of a female who showed up at the front door wearing a trash bag, metal collar with a padlock, and duct tape around her neck. The party advised the caller (redacted) that she had been held hostage at a nearby residence since September
Upon the officers’ arrival at the residence, they found (name of victim redacted) She was wearing latex lingerie and had a metal collar around her neck with a padlock, and duct tape around her neck the victim advised that a man by the name of Timothy picked her up on Prospect in Kansas City at the beginning of September 2022. She advised Timothy had kept her in a small room in the basement that he had built. He kept her restrained in handcuffs on her wrists and ankles. She was able to get free when he left to take his child to school.
Excelsior Springs EMS removed the lock from the collar as it was restricting the victim’s breathing. The victim was transported to Excelsior Springs Hospital by ambulance. Sgt. Samantha Nash-St. John rode in the ambulance. The victim advised she could point out the residence if the ambulance could drive by.
As the ambulance drove by (redacted) the victim indicated it was the residence where she was held as a hostage.
The victim further advised that Timothy had whipped her while she was restrained. There were injuries on the victim’s back that were consistent with this description. The victim advised that Timothy had raped her multiple times and frequently while she was held as a hostage.
A records check of (redacted address) showed the resident was Timothy Haslett, w/m. Officers set up at the residence waiting for Haslett to arrive. At about 0841 hours, Haslett arrived in a gray Dodge Ram pickup. Officers conducted a felony traffic stop of the vehicle and took Haslett into custody on an unrelated animal control violation. Haslett did not make any statements at the time of the arrest.
On 10/07/2022 Judge Luis Angles issued a search warrant (redacted address) for the interior of (redacted). Upon entering the residence to clear it, Excelsior Springs Police officers observed a room in the basement consistent with what the victim had described.
Haslett currently has three active warrants for failure to appear out of Clay County, MO, Cooper County, MO, and Liberty, MO. The officer filing the report believes Timothy Marrion Haslett, Jr. poses a danger to a crime victim, the community, or another person. Haslett is accused of kidnapping, sodomy, and armed criminal action. Haslett has numerous firearms in his residence.
Charge Code: 566 030-002Y20201198.0
In violation of Section 566.030, RSMO, committed the offense of rape in the first degree, punishable upon conviction under Section 566.030 BSMO, and subject to lifetime supervision under Section 217.735, RSMO and that on or between September 1, 2022, and October 7, 2022, in the County of Clay, State of Missouri, the defendant knowingly had sexual intercourse with the victim by the use of forcible compulsion.
An individual convicted and sentenced for this offense shall not be eligible for parole until eighty-five percent of the sentence is served. The range of punishment for the unclassified felony of first-degree rape/sodomy is imprisonment in the custody of the Missouri Department of Corrections for life or for a term of not less than five years.
Charge Code: 565.110-001×20201099.0
In violation of Section 565.110, RSMO, committed the class B felony of kidnapping in the first degree, punishable upon conviction under Section 558.011, RSMO, in that on or between September 1, 2022, and October 7, 2022, the defendant confined (redacted) for a substantial period, without (redacted) consent, for the purpose of terrorizing (redacted).
An individual convicted and sentenced for this offense shall not be eligible for parole until eighty-five percent of the sentence is served. The range of punishment for a class B felony is imprisonment in the custody of the Missouri Department of Corrections for a term of years not less than five (5) years and not to exceed fifteen (15) years.
Charge Code: 565.052-001Y20201399.0
In violation of Section 565.052, RSMO, committed the class D felony of assault in the second degree, punishable upon conviction under Sections 558.002 and 558.011. RSMO, in that on or between September 1, 2022, and October 7, 2022, in the County of Clay, State of Missouri, the defendant knowingly caused physical injury to (redacted) by means of a dangerous instrument by striking (redacted) with a whip.
The range of punishment for a class D felony is imprisonment in the custody of the Missouri Department of Corrections for a term of years not to exceed seven (7) years, or by imprisonment for a special term not to exceed one (1) year in the county jail or other authorized penal institution, or by a fine not to exceed ten thousand dollars ($10.000) or by both imprisonment and a fine. If money or property has been gained through the commission of the crime, any fine imposed may be not more than double the amount of the offender’s gain from the commission of the crime
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Interesting, the kid got out if school to go scribble some photos oh Tim. There’s nothing this family won’t do to be the first responders of gossip and bullsh !t.
Actually, “the kid” drew the picture from a description her father gave her after taking the time to attend the arraignment of an alleged kidnapper/rapist living in their community. Someone has to report the news for Excelsior Springs and it certainly isn’t going to be someone who hides behind a fake name and email account. Thanks for taking the time to visit our site and for being a loyal reader of the Excelsior Citizen!