QuikTrip Plans Moving Forward

Images submitted to the Excelsior Springs Planning and Zoning Commission show the exterior design of the proposed QuikTrip

Excelsior Springs is preparing to welcome a new QuikTrip convenience store and fuel station to be located at 2021 W Jesse James Road, according to a proposed site plan. The plan also includes a new medical clinic concept, MedWise owned and operated by QuikTrip Corporation. The preliminary plan was approved at a recent City Council meeting and includes shared site development features for both lots. Both buildings will have a brick and stucco exterior and will share similar color schemes and architectural lines, along with consistent signage.

The parking and drive areas will be accessible from both McCleary Road and Jesse James Road, with a shared parking easement executed and recorded between the lots. Handicapped parking stalls will be relocated, and stormwater management will be handled through on-site detention on a separate tract. The biggest change to the intersection at McCleary and Jesse James include the removal of the merging lane when turning right onto Jesse James from McCleary, and the addition of a right turn lane into the QuikTrip parking lot from Jesse James Road.

Drawings submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission show the layout of the property and changes to the intersection at McCleary and Jesse James Roads.

In addition to road changes, a sidewalk/trail along the south side of Jesse James Road across the frontage of the site, with pedestrian access to the site, and through the intersection of US 69 Highway and McCleary Road, consistent with plans under development for a complete trail in this area are planned. The proposed development is also set to remove an existing private parking lot entrance to Excelsior Plastic Industries site, where much of the EPI parking was provided. The new entrance will serve as a shared parking lot drive into EPI and the plan includes the construction of a new parking area on EPI for the exclusive use of their employees.

QuikTrip representative Caitlynn Helsper expressed QuikTrip’s excitement to bring a new convenience store to Excelsior Springs during a recent meeting. “If we were to tally up how many requests we’ve received to come to Excelsior Springs, it would definitely take the cake… So we’re super excited to be here,” she said. Helsper said the property will be similar in design to the company’s newer model stores and will operate 24/7. She also noted that the company is known for its well-lit stores for security and visibility purposes, and will be providing lighting for the EPI’s parking lot as well.

Helsper emphasized that the company is primarily focused on the convenience store at the moment but future development will see the addition of a MedWise urgent care facility which will provide basic medical services such as testing and stitches and will have an ambulance bay for emergencies.

The project has been met with enthusiasm by Excelsior Springs residents who have been requesting a QuikTrip for some time. The project is set to move forward and should begin construction sometime in late summer or fall of 2023 with a rough estimate of completion slated for the spring of 2024.

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1 thought on “QuikTrip Plans Moving Forward”

  1. Quick trip coming in excelsior springs mo
    In small town not a very good idea. People stealing is very common in this town. Where Walmart opened in this town was 24 hr. People shop lifting in this town made Walmart cut down their hours closed at 11 pm

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