Police, Fire, EMS, Sheriff Reports

Police, Fire, EMS & Sheriff’s Reports 11/17/21

Clay Co. Sheriff’s Report 11/10 – 11/17

8:33 p.m. Nov. 16, 16105 N. 69 Highway Deputies responded to a one-vehicle, non-injury crash that damaged a fence.

12:38 a.m. Nov. 17, 14500 block of Salem Road Deputies responded to assist Excelsior Springs EMS on an unresponsive 56-year-old man. The man recovered after two doses of naloxone were administered. Deputies located what they believed to be a counterfeit Oxycodone pill laced with fentanyl and are investigating.

Ray Co. Sheriff’s Reports

Excelsior Springs Police Blotter

Excelsior Springs Fire & EMS Calls

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