Missouri City Invites You to Celebrate Spring with Parade and Fair

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Get ready to enjoy the Spring season with the Missouri City community on Saturday, May 6th, from 10 AM – 1 PM! The annual parade, sponsored by Parents and Educators for Responsible Choices (PERC), will kick off at the west end of town and end at the school, followed by a fair with over 30 vendors, food, games, a silent auction, and free prizes.

All the proceeds from the parade and fair will go towards supporting Missouri City’s children through PERC’s events and programs. Plus, there’s an opportunity for children to join in on the fun by lining up at the end of the parade and marching along the route. The line-up for the parade starts at 9 AM, so don’t be late!

But that’s not all! The local Masonic Angerona Lodge will host an all-you-can-eat breakfast from 7 AM to 11 AM for only $10. This includes pancakes, sausages, orange juice, and coffee, with all proceeds going towards the Lodge’s charity donations.

There will be plenty of entertainment throughout the day, including a fire truck from the Fishing River Fire Department for children to explore and a K9 unit provided by the Clay County Sheriff’s Department. Two car clubs will also attend and show off their cars, and special parade guests include the Shriners on their way to the Richmond Mushroom Festival.

If you’re interested in setting up a booth at the fair, there are still a few spaces left for only $5. To reserve your spot, contact Cassidy Russell at 816-534-1316. Don’t miss out on the Spring fun with the Missouri City community!

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1 thought on “Missouri City Invites You to Celebrate Spring with Parade and Fair”

  1. Cassidy Russell

    Thank you so much for the publication of the article about the parade!!! The only error I found was the k9 is being brought by Clay county Sherriff’s department and the fishing river fire dept will be in attendance. Thank you. Cassidy Russell

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