
“Hop and Shop” Trolley Service to Begin in April

The Excelsior Springs Chamber of Commerce and the City of Excelsior Springs have partnered to offer free trolley services to tourists and citizens on the first Saturday of each month. The “Hop & Shop” Trolley Shuttle will kick off on Saturday, April 2nd, and run through the first Saturday in October. Shuttles will run from 11:00 AM to 7:00 PM on a one-hour loop. The schedule is as follows:

• 11:00 – Colony Plaza
• 11:03 – The Elms Hotel/Wabash BBQ
• 11:05 – Dubious Claims Area (Thompson Ave.)
• 11:07 – Casa Di Vite Wine Bar Area (Thompson Ave.)
• 11:09 – Ventana Gourmet Grill / Atlas Bar Area (Broadway)
• 11:11 – Hall of Waters/Other Trails Coffee Area (Broadway)
• 11:13 – Willow Springs / Ray’s Lunch / Broadway Bar & Grill Area
• 11:15 – Saratoga Towers
• 11:17 – Ruey Ann
• 11:25 – Four Horses & A Dog Winery
• 11:37 – Opportunity Café Area (Jesse James)
• 11:39 – Wild Bunch Shops / Finders Keepers (Jesse James)
• 11:46 – Excelsior Roastery / Applebee’s Area
• 11:48 – Golden Leaf Chinese / Westlake Hardware / Bornocos Grub & Pub Area
• 11:52 – Walmart
• 11:54 – Price Chopper

In a press release, the Chamber says they hope the service will benefit the community in several ways. Excelsior Springs Transportation only operates Monday through Friday, thus there is no public transportation available during weekends, especially for the elderly. The first of the month is the time when most seniors receive their monthly income and the least demand for the Chamber’s trolleys. Also, Tourists are not familiar with the eateries, shops, and bars or their locations and the trolley can accommodate a large group. Giving each rider a trolley experience, a tour of Excelsior Springs, and the opportunity to dine & shop; as a result, this should encourage tourists and residents to shop local. The Chamber says they’re hopeful that the First Saturday Hop and Shop will be so successful that they can obtain grants and/or sponsorships to support a shuttle every Saturday.

If you would like more information or to find out how to get involved with this program, please contact the Chamber of Commerce at (816)630-6161.

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