Excelsior Springs Chamber President Michael Fitzpatrick

Fitzpatrick Steps Down as Chamber President

Michael Fitzpatrick announced this week he will be stepping down as Chamber of Commerce President after serving for 18 months (photo S Jason Cole).

Excelsior Springs Chamber of Commerce President, Michael Fitzpatrick has announced he’s leaving his position effective July 29, 2022. “It was a very heartbreaking and truly bittersweet decision, I’ve really enjoyed being connected with the Excelsior community,” he said. Fitzpatrick, who holds a Ph.D. in Special Education, is taking a position with Class LTD an organization based in Columbus, Kansas that provides “community-based opportunities for individuals with developmental disabilities.” Fitzpatrick said that while he appreciates the opportunity he’s had to serve the business community of Excelsior Springs, he looks forward to putting his specialized skills and education to use. 

Coming into the position just as COVID was taking a toll on small businesses across the nation and in our community, Fitzpatrick faced some daunting challenges. In his first year, the Chamber encountered an enormous setback when floods forced the cancellation of Waterfest in 2021. Despite the setbacks and challenges, Fitzpatrick said the business community and the Chamber are still growing and moving forward. He said that the support of the Chamber’s Board of Trustees and the Chamber’s dedicated Administrative Assistant, Lindsay Hall were instrumental to the continued success of the organization. 2022 saw the return of Waterfest as well as the recent addition of the new Star Shuttle Bus. He said that Chamber memberships are up and things are looking good for whoever steps into the role. Fitzpatrick said as he leaves, the biggest takeaway from his experience has been the warmth of the community. “One of the things that I really appreciated about the Excelsior Springs community is that, for the most part, if you put forth the effort, people will embrace you, even if you’re an outsider.”

With Fitzpatrick announcing his departure, the Chamber Board of Trustees has begun the search to fill the position. They are working quickly to find the next Chamber President in hopes of avoiding a prolonged vacancy which could slow momentum. Applications are now being accepted. More information about the position and an application can be found here.

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