Excelsior Springs Police, Fire, EMS, and Sheriffs’ reports for January 4, 2023

Many of our contacts at local law enforcement and public safety offices were on vacation for Christmas and New Year’s Holidays las week. So, enjoy 2 WEEKS of reports! Police blotter, Fire Calls, and EMS Runs for Excelsior Springs, Missouri, as well as Clay County Sheriff, Ray County Sheriff, and Missouri State Highway Patrol, reports for January 4, 2023. Remember, all parties are innocent until proven guilty.

Excelsior Springs Police Adult Arrest Report

Excelsior Springs Fire & EMS Runs

Clay County Sheriff’s Report

Beginning December 26, 2022, the Excelsior Springs Police Department resumed overnight patrol duties in Excelsior Springs greatly reducing the number of incidents reported by the Clay County Sheriff’s Office.

Ray County Sheriff’s Report

Missouri State Highway Patrol

No reports involving Excelsior Springs residents in the past 2 weeks.

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