Monday, November 7, 2022
Consideration of Revised Lease Agreement with Masek – Approved 5-0
City Manager, Molly McGovern presented a Revised Lease Agreement with Masek to the Council.
(From Council Agenda) In May the City Council approved a new Golf Cart Lease based on information that was provided. New information has been received that requires the council’s consideration. Masek has received two large price increases from Yamaha since they provided a bid to the City. They planned for a “normal” price increase in their bid, but the increases are 21.4% higher than expected. Also, this is the first time Yamaha is not price protecting signed municipal deals when a price increase happens. Masek has requested the City consider an increase from the original bid of $8,314 to $9,312.
Consideration of Fence Project at Police Station – Approved 5-0
A letter from ESPD Chief Dull was presented to Council by Lt. Renne
(From Council Agenda) The Excelsior Springs Police Department is requesting the purchase and installation of ornamental steel fencing around the police parking lot, with the goal being to enhance security for the facility and vehicles. This proposed project has already been reviewed and approved by the Excelsior Springs Historical Preservation Committee. Attached is an aerial view of the police facility, which details the location of the proposed fence. The fence itself would be a six-foot tall, welded ornamental steel fence manufactured by Ameristar. The model of fencing would be Ameristar’s Majestic. Three bids were obtained for the purchase and installation of the fence, which were as follows:
Perfect Fence: $20,650.00
Elite Fence and Deck, Inc.: $19,981.79
Xscapes: $20,204.00
After meeting with a representative from all three companies, it is my recommendation to award the bid to Perfect Fence. I am requesting this purchase be made using monies from the city’s American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021. Consideration of Agreement with Payroc – Resolution No. 1388
Consideration of Agreement with Payroc – Approved 5-0
Melinda Mehaffy, City Economic Developer presented a Consideration of Agreement with Payroc to the Council.
(From Council Agenda) The City of Excelsior Springs Community Development Department has been working for the past three years to achieve an option for contractors to pay for permits online. The Pandemic brought to light the importance of allowing contractors and developers to have a program that allows them to work on their business even when they aren’t able to come into the office. We’ve found that many of our contractors are working in their business during our office hours and they work on their business in the evenings or very early in the mornings.
The agreement with Payroc allows a fee to be charged back to the customer. The fee is either 3.25% or $2, whichever is greater. This fee is collected by Payroc and kept. The fee charged is transferred to the City typically within 48 hours of the charge (except for weekends and holidays).
When a permit is applied for online, the Community Development staff will accept and review the permit and will then send back a link with instructions for making their permit payment. Once payment is received, the permit is emailed to them. The permit is not valid until payment is received and signed. There will be an electronic signature option for online payment. No call-in payments will be accepted.
Consideration of Special Use Permit for 305 Old Orchard – Approved 5-0
Melinda Mehaffy, City Economic Developer presented a Consideration of Special Use Permit to the Council.
(From Council Agenda) Background: The subject site operates as a short-term rental with a current rental license. The applicant was unaware she had to obtain a special use permit for its current short-term rental use. The applicant wishes to change the rental use to operate the existing short-term rental to allow the renting out for defined periods of time to visitors and vacationers, commonly known as an ‘Airbnb’ or ‘VRBO.’
Staff Analysis: The Zoning Regulations recognize that there are special land uses and circumstances which, because of their unique character, cannot be properly classified in any particular zoning district(s) without special consideration in each case of the impact of those uses upon the neighboring property. These cases can be reviewed individually for their appropriateness and authorized through a Special Use Permit. Staff finds that the proposed special use can be compatible with the surrounding properties and can be operated in an appropriate manner so as to not cause concern for the public health and safety and adjacent land uses. Being a new special use permit, staff would suggest an initial time limit to allow for appropriate review after it has been in operation for a couple of years.
Staff Recommendation/Action Requested: City staff recommends approval of the Special Use Permit for a two (2) year time period.
Consideration of Adoption of Universal Design Code – Approved 5-0
Melinda Mehaffy, City Economic Developer presented a request for Consideration of Adoption of Universal Design Code to the Council
(From Council Agenda) The Community Development Department has for your consideration an amendment to Title V of our Building Code adding a chapter that promotes the inclusion of Universal Design elements in new and existing remodel construction. New residential construction or existing remodel construction projects that include Universal Design elements will be eligible to have portions of their permit fee refunded.
Universal Design means the specialized design of the built space, products, and indoor and outdoor environments to be usable by the greatest number of people with the widest reasonable range of abilities, to the greatest extent feasible. The City of Excelsior Springs has already shown support for Universal Design through our participation with Mid America Regional Council in the publishing of the Remodeling for Accessible Homes Guidebook. This book outlines Universal Design options for every part of a home. Any contractor who expresses interest in implementing Universal Design in their construction will receive a copy of this guidebook to assist them.
Some examples of Universal Design elements include zero entry at the front door, widened doorways throughout to allow for walkers and wheelchairs, HVAC controls, light switches, and outlets at a height accessible to someone in a wheelchair, accessible showers with faucet and fixtures within reach, blocking within the bathroom walls to support the installation of grab bars, and stairways wide enough to allow for the installation of a chair lift. The Community Development Department is excited to have this opportunity to promote Universal Design in Excelsior Springs through our written code. We are proud of our codes and standards that ensure high-quality housing. The standards in this amendment make a home more livable as the resident ages in place. This depends on thoughtful design that allows for a home to be accessible to as many residents and visitors as possible for as long as possible.
Consideration of 2023 Golf Membership Rates & Fees – Approved 5-0
Tim Jarman, Excelsior Springs Golf Course Manager presented a Consideration of 2023 Golf Membership Rates & Fees as seen in the attached document.
Consideration of Side Letter Agreement with IAFF Local No. 42 Regarding Holiday Pay – Approved 5-0
City Manager, Molly McGovern presented a Consideration of Side Letter Agreement with IAFF Local No. 42 Regarding Holiday Pay to the Council.
(From Council Agenda) Last year after Christmas, which also involved a snowstorm with public works working both the observed holiday and the real holiday, we realized the holiday leave policy could be written better. The City submitted a change to the personnel policy to improve how this section was written, which the council approved several months ago. The Fire Collective Bargaining Agreement language matched the city policy and caused the same confusion. The side agreement prepared by Local 42 will resolve this issue, clarifying the person working the real holiday rather than the observed holiday will receive holiday pay.
Consideration of Appropriations – Ordinance No. 22-11-05 – Approved 5-0
Vonda Floyd, Finance Director presented the bi-weekly appropriations which were approved.
Councilwoman Sonya Morgan said that she had recently been approached by a citizen asking “does the Council always agree on everything?” Morgan said she had explained that while it does appear that the Council does not discuss or disagree on issues, most disagreements were worked out and questions were answered in the Friday morning Council work sessions. Work sessions are usually much longer and allow council members to explore complex issues that are brought before them. Work sessions are also open to the public and typically begin at 7:00 AM on Fridays preceding Council Meetings.
We keep the local news free thanks to advertisers and individual contributions!
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