Boys Council
Boys Council is a structured program for young males 12 to 18 years of age.
Young men gain skills and knowledge to navigate growing up male in today’s society
through the introduction of topics and experiential activities that address a myriad of
relevant challenges – safely, powerfully, and within a spirit of “council” connection.
Boys Council’s goal is to promote young men’s safe and healthy passage through pre-
teen and adolescent years by exploring the following topics:
• Name Scramble, Hopes & Fears, Boys to Men
• Personal Timeline
• Strength Through Diversity
• Mentors, Role Models and Heroes
• Unlocking the Code
• Health Relationships
• Who’s the Man? Boys in the Media
• Conflict Resolution: Squash it Before it Starts
• No One Walks Alone
• Living and Leaving a Legacy
The sessions are Wednesdays for 1.5 hours, held over a six-week period. The groups
will be held at Liberty Fire Station, 200 W Mississippi, Liberty MO 64068. This is a free
program provided by Clay County Family Court.
Please RSVP to Umeme Battle 816-736-8403.
Wednesday – 5:00pm-6:30pm
Location: Liberty Fire Station, 200 W Mississippi, Liberty MO 64068