Council Recap: Zoning for Cottage Housing Approved

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Downtown will see new signage, a resident goes plumb wild with a sewer request, zoning for cottage housing approved, and schools will officially serve the community as storm shelters. Read about it below or watch the full City Council meeting video posted above.

Sign, Sign, Everywhere a Sign

The Downtown Excelsior Partnership, Director Lyndsey Baxter proposed a Wayfinding Plan to give visitors and locals a better orientation to the downtown district. The plan was completed through a grant obtained from Missouri Main Street Connection and Economic Development Administration and was designed in collaboration with FORA Planning & Design.

The Wayfinding Plan aims to improve connectivity and marketability of the community by enhancing the visitor experience to Excelsior Springs. The plan includes the use of a new wayfinding system that will provide clear directions and identity to the downtown district. The plan has been presented to the City Council, which is now considering contributing $50,000 from the City’s ARPA funds to DEP to initiate the first phase of the proposal.

However, several steps are still needed to implement the project, including the selection of the final design and approval from the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) for sign placements. Baxter said the ability to secure funding will allow the work to begin.

The Wayfinding Plan for Downtown Excelsior Springs has been well-received by the community and is expected to contribute to the continued growth and development of the downtown district.

Pipe Dream Comes True: Request for Sewer Service Granted

The Council approved a request from a property owner to connect to city sewer services. The property owner had completed a lot split on a parcel adjacent to the city limit line, which had carved off approximately 40 acres for the development of a single-family home. However, the property owner needed permission to connect to city sewer services.

The property owner met with City staff to discuss how the remaining property could be developed and incorporated into the City at the time they would need city services. City staff discussed a pre-annexation acknowledgment that stated the property owner understood that they could be asked to annex into the City at a later date.

The property owner indicated their willingness to complete a Connection to City Sewer Services application and sign the Pre-Annexation Agreement. The City Council considered the request and ultimately granted the property owner permission to connect to city sewer services. 

Big News for Small Houses: Zoning for Cottage Style Housing Approved

A conceptualization of cottage-style homes included in the City Council Agenda (submitted).

A proposal was brought forth to create a new residential zoning district that will allow for the development of cottage-style homes. The new zoning district will provide a variety of housing styles, types, and price ranges for the community, and is intended to create opportunities for this new style of development while maintaining an appropriate degree of quality standards and expectations.

Cottage housing is a mildly dense, small-scale housing form that can provide an affordable alternative to larger single-family homes and suit the needs of many different household types. The proposed regulations will allow an alternative, smaller-scaled housing form that, through appropriate design, can exist harmoniously within conventional neighborhoods and provide adequate open space for residents.

The proposed regulations require a formal landscape plan that includes appropriate tree and shrubbery coverage of at least five percent of the open space area, including any landscape buffers, with consistent types of landscape material throughout the development area. All parking areas will comply with the existing minimum landscape requirements for parking areas in the city.

Floor area per unit would range from 750 to 1,000 square feet, and dwelling units could not exceed two stories in height. The minimum number of dwelling units per cottage housing development is three and the maximum is 12.

Staff recommends approval of the application and is confident that this new zoning district will create opportunities for this new style of development while maintaining an appropriate degree of quality standards and expectations.

An example of cottage-style homes was included in the City Council Agenda (submitted).

Riding the Storm Out: Schools will Serve as Shelters

The City of Excelsior Springs and the Excelsior Springs School District have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to utilize the FEMA Safe Room at Cornerstone Elementary School. The agreement allows the Excelsior Springs Fire Department to open the safe room for public use during non-school hours in case of inclement weather. During normal school hours, the District’s Director of Safety and Security will take responsibility for opening the safe room. The MOU also states that the City will not be held liable for any damage or liability that may occur. Both parties will work together to create a Standard Operation Procedure for the safe room.

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