Watch a full replay of the August 7, 2023, Excelsior Springs City Council meeting on the Excelsior Citizen YouTube Channel.
The recent Excelsior Springs City Council meeting saw decisive progress on key infrastructure initiatives aimed at enhancing the city’s future. The council deliberated on a range of agenda items, including liquor license approval, police record disposal, emergency medical equipment acquisition, and various critical bridge replacement projects. With unanimous approvals marking their decisions, the council exhibited a commitment to the community’s safety, growth, and well-being.
Consideration of Liquor License Application for Pho House Bar & Grill – Simple Motion
Police Chief Gregory Dull presented the liquor license application for Pho House Bar & Grill, represented by the managing officer, Spencer Hardin. The establishment, located at 101 W. Broadway Street, submitted a new liquor license application. Chief of Police Gregory Dull recommended approval, pending the acquisition of the Missouri State liquor license. The council members unanimously approved the application 5-0, with little deliberation.
Consideration of Destruction of Police Records – Resolution No. 1454
Police Chief Gregory Dull presented Resolution No. 1454 for the consideration of the destruction of police records. Due to the police department’s need for additional storage space, a proposal was made to destroy police records that had reached their established retention period as per city ordinance and state statute, following guidelines outlined in the Missouri Municipal Records Manual and RSMo 109.230 subsection 4. The recommended method for disposal was shredding.
Chief Dull emphasized the requirement to document the record destruction in the City Council meeting minutes. A resolution (No. 1454) was put forth to authorize the destruction of the specified police records. The council members reviewed the resolution and unanimously approved it 5-0, acknowledging the necessity for additional storage and compliance with record retention regulations.
Presentation by Northland Neighborhoods Inc. and Consideration of Agreement – Resolution No. 1455
Deb Herman, CEO of Northland Neighborhoods Inc. (NNI), a nonprofit organization dedicated to neighborhood improvement and revitalization in Clay and Platte counties, provided a presentation to the City Council. NNI collaborates with residents and organizations to enhance housing, neighborhoods, and communities, striving to make the Northland area an exceptional place to reside. Founded in 1996, NNI is the sole community development corporation serving the Northland region. During the presentation, Deb highlighted several property rehabilitation projects that NNI assisted homeowners within Excelsior Springs.
Following the presentation, Excelsior Springs Neighborhood Specialist, Laura Mize, introduced a consideration for an agreement with Northland Neighborhoods – Resolution No. 1455. The Community Development Department sought council approval for an agreement to continue providing the Minor Home Repair and Modification Program for Excelsior Springs.
This proactive program aids homeowners in addressing code violations and enhancing mobility safety. By mitigating these issues, the program contributes to neighborhood vitality and reduces the demand for city services such as emergency response. The program aligns with best practices identified by the National League of Cities and the Communities for All Ages program, promoting affordable housing strategies and enabling homeowners to age in place safely.
The initial agreement, established in August 2022, resulted in $40,984.00 worth of home improvements in Excelsior Springs. A portion of this funding, $4,200.00, was allocated through the Minor Home Repair Agreement, with the rest sourced from various partners NNI collaborates with. The remaining funds, approximately $5,800, are intended to aid a resident on N. Francis Street with a sewer issue, pending application processing.
The program supports low- to moderate-income homeowners by addressing home modifications and repairs, including code violations, mobility improvements, HVAC repairs, electrical fixes, and flooring repairs. The proposed agreement would allocate $10,000.00 for Northland Neighborhoods Inc.’s Home Repair and Modification Program. Funding would be accessible from August 17, 2023, to August 16, 2024, or until depletion, whichever occurs first. Northland Neighborhoods Inc. would provide an annual report to the City Council outlining fund utilization during the contract period. Approved unanimously, 5-0.
Consideration of Change Order for Hall of Waters Save America’s Treasures – Resolution No. 1456
Melinda Mehaffy, the Economic Development Director, presented Resolution No. 1456 to the City Council for their consideration regarding a change order for the Hall of Waters Save America’s Treasures project.
Over the course of the past year, the City has been actively evaluating the most suitable approach to address the shoring requirements for the front yard of the Hall of Waters. The Well Room, situated beneath the front yard, has experienced substantial deterioration due to water infiltration, leading to structural weakening. The ceiling of the Well Room holds a crucial role as a structural diaphragm for the Hall of Waters.
Collaborating with structural engineers from Pullman and Brand Safeway, the City’s staff has formulated plans for a temporary shoring project that would allow limited utilization of the front lawn area. Incorporating the expertise of the companies that have been involved in the building and the design of the required shoring, the proposal seeks to add this project to the existing Pullman Contract.
The requested amount for this change order is $498,700. This allocation serves as a precaution while the staff continues to explore a permanent solution and seeks funding avenues to address the building’s long-term needs. The City Council was tasked with deliberating on the change order to facilitate the Hall of Waters’ preservation efforts. Approved unanimously, 5-0.
Consideration of Purchase of an Autopulse CPR Device – Resolution No. 1457
Assistant Fire Chief Zac St. John presented Resolution No. 1457 to the City Council, seeking approval for the acquisition of an Autopulse CPR device. The purpose of this acquisition is to replace the existing device, which has been in service for over ten years. The Autopulse device is utilized to administer high-quality automated CPR to individuals experiencing sudden cardiac arrest. Its implementation allows medical providers to focus on other life-saving interventions instead of dedicating two personnel solely to chest compressions.
Extensive clinical trials have demonstrated the device’s efficacy in enhancing patient outcomes. The request for this purchase is to be funded through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) Emergency Medical Service Providers Grant (EMSPG). As per the grant’s stipulations, a 50% match is required, which will be covered by the City’s ARPA awards.
The sole feasible source for the Autopulse device is Zoll. The procurement bid was based on contract pricing from the Public Safety Association Inc. The total cost for acquiring the device is $16,673.72. The resolution was presented to the City Council and received unanimous approval with a 5-0 vote.
Consideration of Well 9 & 12 Cleaning and Rehabilitation – Resolution No. 1458
Chad Birdsong, the Public Works Director, presented Resolution No. 1458 to the City Council, involving the consideration of well cleaning and rehabilitation for wells 9 and 12. The presentation addressed the results of recent well analysis conducted by Water Systems Engineering in April 2023. The objective was to assess the condition of the wells and determine necessary improvements. The analysis identified required treatments for the wells.
Following the analysis, the City initiated a bidding process for the required work, receiving bids from two companies:
- Layne: Base bid of $67,182.00, with an optional second treatment at $10,800.00, resulting in a potential total of $77,982.00.
- Brotcke: Base bid of $83,176.00, with an optional second treatment at $11,804.00, for a potential total of $94,980.00.
Layne submitted the lower bid at $67,182.00 for both wells, with the possibility of an additional $5,400.00 per well for a second acid treatment, amounting to a potential total of $77,982.00. Layne’s proven expertise in the field, along with the city’s longstanding working relationship with them, were highlighted as contributing factors to their selection. The resolution was presented to the City Council and received unanimous approval with a 5-0 vote.

Consideration of Dry Fork Greenway Project Engineering Agreement – Resolution No. 1459
Chad Birdsong, the Director of Public Works, presented Resolution No. 1459 to the City Council. The agenda item pertained to the consideration of an engineering agreement with George Butler & Associates (GBA) for the Dry Fork Greenway Project. The agreement sought Professional Engineering Services, encompassing various aspects such as project administration, survey, design, community engagement, environmental permitting, bidding, staking, and construction inspection and observation.
The Dry Fork Greenway Project was one of four flood improvement projects outlined in the City’s watershed plan, collaboratively developed by GBA and Vireo, completed in May 2023. The project’s success contributed to the City securing American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding through the Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MDNR), based on flood reduction outcomes delivered by the project.
The core components of the project involve upscaling the culvert at North Main Street, accompanied by related roadway enhancements. Additionally, the project includes grading activities and floodplain restoration to establish hydraulic connectivity and flood storage. Detailed service specifications are available in Attachment A of the presented agreement.
The overall cost of services covered by this contract totals $1,028,951.00, incorporating subconsultants and associated expenses. This amount aligns with the initial budget estimates set for this undertaking.
The complete project expense estimate, inclusive of engineering, stands at $4,864,500.00. This encompasses a local Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) match of $973,386.00, complemented by ARPA funding of $3,891,114.00, facilitated through the MoDNR. The City’s CIP match for the project has already been designated.
The agreement received review and approval from the Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MoDNR). The City Council was presented with Resolution No. 1459 for their consideration and received unanimous approval with a 5-0 vote.
Consideration of Garland Bridge Replacement Project- Engineering Contract with Bartlett and West – Resolution No. 1460
Chad Birdsong, the Director of Public Works, presented Resolution No. 1460 to the City Council. The agenda item pertained to the consideration of an engineering agreement with Bartlett & West Inc. for the Garland Bridge Replacement Project. This agreement aimed to provide Professional Engineering Services encompassing planning, design, and construction inspection for the intended improvements and replacement of the bridge.
The comprehensive scope of services was outlined in Attachment A of the agreement. The contract stipulated the compensation for services, with specific breakdowns as follows (all not to exceed):
- Design Services: $228,939.87
- Construction Inspection: $124,418.99
- Total: $353,358.86
The project’s application originally estimated the total cost at $1,575,600.00, with a city match of $200,000.00 from American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. The city’s contribution was expected to be finalized upon completion of engineering, as the initial figures were drawn from the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) bridge reports. The local match would be adjusted to meet the 80/20 match requirement.
The agreement was meticulously prepared and reviewed by MoDOT, with all contract provisions aligned with the stipulations of the grant requirements. Resolution No. 1460 received unanimous approval with a 5-0 vote.
Consideration of Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission Off System Bridge Program Agreement – Ordinance No. 23-08-01
Chad Birdsong, the Director of Public Works, presented Ordinance No. 23-08-01 to the City Council as an added resolution associated with the Garland Bridge replacement project. The agenda item pertained to the consideration of the Missouri Highway and Transportation Commission (MHTC) Off-System Bridge Program Agreement.
The purpose of this agreement was to facilitate the application for funding through the MHTC, particularly leveraging the federal funding recently approved by Congress in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. The agreement enabled the utilization of federal funding for the replacement and rehabilitation of public bridges that are under the jurisdiction of and maintained by a public authority.
Moreover, the agreement incorporated the necessary contract provisions tailored for Federal-Aid Construction Contracts. By adhering to these provisions, the City aimed to ensure compliance with federal regulations and requirements. Approved unanimously, 5-0.
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