Comprehensive Voter Guide for Both Ray and Clay Counties

As part of a continued effort to help educate citizens on what will appear before them on the ballot, this week we are offering a look at the ballot for our Ray County Excelsiorites. We have also included a collective of what we feel may be helpful resources for all in the lead up to election day. Check out our previous coverage, including the Clay County sample ballot and a look at the Constitutional Amendments that will be on the ballot, too.

Ray County Sample Ballot

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Clay County Sample Ballot – Precincts Fishing River 01, Fishing River 02, Fishing River 03, and Washington 02

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Clay County Sample Ballot – Precinct Washington 01

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What Will You Need To Bring When You Vote

If you are voting in person, you will need a photo ID that is unexpired and issued by one of the following entities:
• driver’s license or non-driver’s license issued by the state of Missouri
• Non-expired U.S. Military or military veteran’s ID
• Non-expired U.S. passport
• Another photo ID issued by the United States or the state of Missouri which is not expired

If you have difficulty acquiring an acceptable form of photo ID, VoteRiders is a non-partisan organization that is dedicated to helping people secure their voter ID.

Additional Resources to Help You Decide

• The League of Women Voters issues a VOTE411 Voter’s Guide that provides a summary of the candidates and issues throughout the Kansas City Metro will provide a sample of your ballot and the candidates you will be voting for after providing your address
• The Clay County Election Board and the Ray County Clerk are your direct sources for all election information provides insight on the judges that are on the ballot for retention. Click here for Clay County. Click here for Ray County
• The Missouri Secretary of State website provides ballot language and links to the full texts of proposed amendments to our State Constitution. The KC Star article provides analysis
• The Kansas City Beacon has coverage explaining the question about the Constitutional Convention

Clay County Commissioners Coverage

The Courier Tribune has done a great job of covering the candidates for Clay County Commission. We recommend that you read their profiles and watch their interviews with the candidates:
2 view for top county commission seat
Lawson, Wolcott face off for county commission eastern at-large seat
Duffett, Johnson on ballot for county eastern seat 2
• Jamison, Withington compete for western at-large county commissioner spot

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