Clay County Sample Ballot for April Election Released

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The April Municipal Election will be here before we know it, with contested races in both City and School Board local races. The Clay County Election Board has released the Clay County sample ballot, which we have included for you to consider below. In addition to the candidate races, other local initiatives include the Excelsior Springs School District’s Proposition Lewis, which gives the district permission to use funds to build a new Lewis Elementary School downtown. This initiative follows the construction of the new Cornerstone Elementary, the expansion of Elkhorn Elementary, and updates to the Early Childhood Center, High School, and Middle School.

The City of Excelsior Springs will also have a ballot proposal of a 3% sales tax on cannabis products within the city limits. While medical marijuana has been sold in Excelsior Springs for some time, as of Friday, February 3, 2023, recreational marijuana can now also be sold. If the proposal passes, money collected locally will be dedicated to drug prevention efforts for our youth and community, as well as for public safety. The tax has been estimated to bring in $150,000 annually. which was a figure given by the state for municipalities to budget.

Excelsior Citizen is hosting a Candidate Meet and Greet at Excelsior Roasting Company in Excelsior Springs on Saturday, February 18, 2023, from 10:00 am-12:00 pm. Candidates on the ballot have been invited to attend, giving citizens an opportunity to meet with each personally. Citizens can learn more about each candidate online, here.

Below are the questions specific to Excelsior Springs, followed by the full Clay County ballot. The Ray County ballot has not yet been released to the public, though there will be local ballot proposals for those living in Wood Heights, Crystal Lakes, and Excelsior Estates to consider. Find more information on both counties, here.

Excelsior Springs School District sample ballot measures and candidates for the April 2023 Municipal Election
City of Excelsior Springs 2023 Municipal candidates
City of Excelsior Springs Municipal 2023 ballot measure for a 3% sales tax on marijuana sales

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For more information about the Municipal Election, visit the Clay County Election Board’s website.

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