City Council Special Session Opens Door for Golf Hill Development

Majestic pines line the Excelsior Springs Golf Course (photo Kevin Morgan).

Liquor License Renewals

Excelsior Springs Police Captain Robert Warner presented the council with a proposal to consider the renewal of liquor licenses for the 2023-2024 year. Captain Warner provided the council with renewal requests from several establishments, including D.I.C.K.’s Drive Thru Convenience, Dollar General #23537, El Maguey, Moments and Memories, and Pairings by Van Till.

Approved unanimously.

Amendment of Final Development Plan of Golf Hill Estates Subdivision

The Excelsior Springs City Council held a special meeting on June 29, 2023, to address various matters. One of the items on the agenda was the amendment of the Final Development Plan of Golf Hill Estates subdivision. The application, submitted by the City of Excelsior Springs, sought to amend certain Planned Development District Standards.

The Golf Hill Estates subdivision, located along Golf Hill Drive adjacent to the Excelsior Springs Golf Course, was previously approved by the City on March 20, 2018. The subdivision consisted of 29 residential lots, with three larger lots on East Golf Hill Drive, four larger lots on the north side of East Golf Hill Drive, and 22 smaller lots in the interior of the development. The smaller lots were designed with minimized yard setbacks to accommodate a more modern smaller housing style.

According to the Council Agenda, the City, which currently owns all the lots in the subdivision, received an expression of interest from a potential buyer for Lots 1-22. The interested party requested modifications to certain development standards. These modifications included approval of new standard exterior design plans, elimination of the prohibition on in-ground swimming pools, elimination of the prohibition on basketball goals, elimination of the requirement for basic white window framing, and elimination of the requirement for gutters to match the trim color of the home.

During the meeting, the City staff presented their analysis, stating that the proposed modifications to the development standards would maintain the expected quality and consistency of the subdivision while aligning with the City’s Comprehensive Plan and Subdivision Regulations. The Planning Consultant recommended approval of the application to amend the Golf Hill Estates Planned Development District Standards with the specified modifications.

Amendments to the final development plan were approved unanimously.

Full Steam Ahead on Lewis Elementary

With the demolition of Lewis Elementary imminent, City Planner Chantel Frie presented the Council with four agenda items pertaining to the demolition and subsequent rebuilding of the school.

Site Plan Approval for Lewis Elementary School:

The Excelsior Springs School District submitted an application for the consideration of site plan approval for Lewis Elementary School located at 501 Leavenworth Avenue. The site plan proposed a more compact and efficient building design, increased onsite parking, and additional vehicle staging. The plan aims to enhance student safety and alleviate congestion on adjacent public streets and alleys. The proposed site plan conformed to the City’s development standards, and City staff recommended its approval.

Final Plat Approval for Lewis Elementary School:

The Excelsior Springs School District also submitted an application for the final plat approval of Lewis Elementary School. The existing school building, located on the north side of the site, was scheduled for demolition. The proposed final plat would create a new lot for the redevelopment of the school. The City staff analyzed the proposed plat and found it to meet the City’s Minimum Design Standards and conform to the Comprehensive Plan. City staff recommended the approval of the final plat application.

Vacation of St. Joe Avenue:

The Excelsior Springs School District petitioned for the vacation of St. Joe Avenue, a public right-of-way located between Block 4 and Block 8 of Central Park. No recorded documents verifying the right-of-way vacation were found. The City staff confirmed that no public utilities were located within the right-of-way and recommended the approval of the petition for the vacation of St. Joe Avenue.

Vacation of The Concourse:

The Excelsior Springs School District also petitioned for the vacation of Concourse, an 80-foot-wide public right-of-way located west of Block 7 of Central Park. The east and west sides of The Concourse had been previously vacated. No recorded documents verifying the right-of-way vacation were found. The City staff confirmed that no public utilities were located within the right-of-way and recommended the approval of the petition for the vacation of The Concourse.

Based on the staff recommendations and the discussion, the City Council approved the site plan application, the final plat application, and the petitions for the vacation of St. Joe Avenue and The Concourse unanimously.

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