City Council

City Council: Hall Transitioning to New Role at Community Center

At Monday’s City Council meeting we learned that long time community leader Jesse Hall will be stepping down as Director of the Community Center and transitioning to a new position as Project Manager. Hall plans to stay on through the completion of phase two of the Community Center construction project, which is the addition of the outdoor aquatic center. Current Parks and Recreation Director, Nate Williams, will take on a dual role as both Director of the Community Center and Parks and Recreations. The move was described to the council as being advantageous because it will help cut down on duplications of programs and efforts by both programs. Because the Parks and Recreation department has its own tax revenue the two departments cannot be officially combined into one.

Public Works Director, Chad Birdsong, presented plans for a new salt storage facility, which were approved. He also announced that there will be a household hazardous waste drop off sometime in 2022. These events are normally held every other year. The last event scheduled for 2020 was canceled because of the COVID-19 outbreak. For all the details of the meeting you can watch the recorded livestream embedded below.

Mayor, Sharon Powell, made a proclamation recognizing October 17th through 23, 2021 as Businesswomen of Missouri week in Missouri. Mayor Powell urged every citizen in Excelsior Springs to join this salute to working women and to celebrate the achievements of all business and professional women as they contribute daily to our economic, civic, and cultural growth. The proclamation was delivered to Business Professional Women organization members who attended the meeting, Patty Martinez, Sonya Morgan, and Courtney Cole.

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