stock photo of rock quarry

Cameron Road Residents Rocked by Plans for Quarry Expansion

A video embedded on Ideker’s website shows the type of work happening at the quarry

Some residents living along Cameron Road have expressed concerns over a proposed northern expansion of the nearby quarry in Mosby, MO. The residents say they are worried about the quarry moving too close to their homes, disrupting their lives and possibly devaluing their property. “The quarry is very loud and would make living on Cameron Rd very uncomfortable,” they said in a message sent to the Excelsior Citizen. The residents have collectively sent letters to Ideker, Inc. asking that the expansion be reconsidered but at the time of publication have not heard back from Ideker. The letter from Cameron Road residents sent to Ideker reads as follows:

To whom it may concern,

Regarding the Ideker Mosby North Quarry expansion: 
We respectfully request adjustments to the expansion plan in order to protect and retain the integrity, beauty and rural character of the community on Cameron Road. We send this message in good faith in an effort to work alongside Ideker, Inc. to create a solution the community can live with in order to retain the peace between community members and Ideker, Inc.

Our hope as a community is to create a long-term partnership with Ideker, Inc and the Mosby North Quarry in order to reduce animosity, frustration and resentment the proposed quarry expansion will cause. We recognize Idecker has won awards as a top employer in the area. We want to work with you to recognize Idecker as a good neighbor and respected member of our community. We look forward to working with you toward a solution that is good for the community and good for your company.  

-The letter that was sent to Ideker Inc. by residents of Cameron Rd., Excelsior Springs, MO
a satellite image of Ideker rock quarry.
Google Maps image of the Ideker rock quarry

Ideker, Inc., headquartered in St. Joseph, MO,  was founded in 1947 by Welton Ideker. According to their website “After the ‘Great Missouri River Flood of 1952’, Ideker prospered building and repairing levees along the Missouri and Kansas Rivers.” For more than 50 years, Ideker, Inc. has flourished, winning numerous awards and working on substantial projects including airport and interstate highway construction. Ideker which also owns and operates the asphalt plant in Mosby has publicly stated that they are expanding in the area. A company newsletter available on the Ideker, Inc. website confirms that the quarry property, that was previously being leased, was purchased in 2020 and there are plans for expansion. In the newsletter it says:

Earlier this year, Ideker took advantage of an opportunity to purchase the land and allow more flexibility in the management of the operations. “This made it possible for us to look beyond current ways of doing things, such as we can now sell fill dirt whereas before that was not allowed. It also will be easier to transition north for future quarrying, which is becoming more of a reality now,” Ken Ideker said.


The resident group opposing the expansion is encouraging others to attend a public meeting where representatives from Ideker will be in attendance. The meeting will be held on January 18th at 6:00 PM at Mosby City Hall (12312 4th Street, Mosby, MO 64024). 

Note: The Excelsior Citizen reached out to Ideker, Inc. leadership numerous times for a statement concerning the quarry expansion, but at the time of publication we have not heard back. Updates will be made as they are available.

EDIT: We incorrectly stated that the meeting would be a city council meeting, when in fact it is a public meeting between residents and representatives of Ideker.

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