Bank Robbery

Bank Robbery Adds Excitement to Gatsby Days Festival

Bank Robbery

Gatsby Days was here again this past weekend in downtown Excelsior Springs. With events centering in the Hall of Waters Circle Drive, the festival offered a mock bank robbery from the Excelsior Springs Museum & Archives, poetry reading, jazz band performance, talent show, fashion stroll and art show at Casa Di Vite. The guild uses the opportunity to generate tourism, give artists opportunities, and add to the community’s festivals in the downtown.

Several citizens dressed in 1920’s attire from Mistaken I. Dentity’s Costume Shop to act out a bank robbery starting in the museum and carrying out onto Broadway. Excelsior Springs Police Department officers were on hand to play the natural role of catching the bad guys and putting them in the paddy wagon. The scene was so realistic it was reported by an officer that there was a 911 call put in to the police department describing the scene and telling them to send someone quick…that there was a guy with a feather in his hat shooting a gun in the air and he had just walked into the Atlas Saloon!

The afternoon gave local poets of all ages the opportunity to share their pieces on the steps of the Hall of Waters. Despite having to fight the wind, many thoughtful writings were shared. Some read from notes, some had theirs memorized. Each one had a personal meaning to the one delivering it. Sharon Senger read a piece written by the late Stephany Hughes. Ms. Gina Calvin, English teacher from the middle school, introduced her student Richard, who read several pieces that he shared with a common theme, acceptance. Shannon Morgan shared poems from her sister, Jill Clark’s poetry book, Loose Balloons.

After the poetry readings, the Excelsior Springs High School Jazz Band performed. Have a listen:

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2 thoughts on “Bank Robbery Adds Excitement to Gatsby Days Festival”

  1. Sharon Lee Senger

    I love reading this each week. Thank you, Courtney and Jason for all your work!

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