Courtney Cole

Westwood Hill Neighbors meet for Flamingo Friday

Westwood Hills Neighbors Celebrate with Flamingo Fridays

Neighbors in the Westwood Hills neighborhood are watching for pink plastic flamingos to tell them where to go on Friday night! Started by Mark Walter, Flamingo Fridays is meant to be a way for neighbors to spend time together and a chance to get to know your neighbors better. Mark started by putting a couple

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Two WWII Purple Hearts Laid to Rest this Week

This week the Excelsior Springs area laid to rest two veterans of World War II that both earned Purple Hearts for their courageous time spent serving our country. Dr. Arthur “Art” Roos and Roy Alburn Cheek’s lives were both recognized with military honors and a 21 Gun Salute with flag dedication ceremonies. From his obituary,

Two WWII Purple Hearts Laid to Rest this Week Read More »

Waterfest Returns Bigger and Better Than Ever

Volunteers of the Excelsior Springs Area Chamber of Commerce work year-round in order to bring a successful festival to the town. The past two years the festival has been a victim of both COVID-19 and summer storms, but this year, the celebrations commenced without a hitch! Named after the community’s mineral waters, Waterfest is the

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