Assistant Fire Chief Ignites Interest In Students About Fire Prevention

Treehouse Preschool with Assistant Fire Chief Camron White in front of a red fire truck
Picture by Jenna Olcott of Treehouse Preschool students with Assistant Fire Chief Camron White

Assistant Fire Chief Camron White is recovering after losing his voice speaking to over 915 Excelsior Springs School District students face to face through the Excelsior Springs Fire Department’s Fire Prevention Program. After a two year hiatus due to COVID, the program, which started in 2014, is presented to students Preschool-5th Grade. Supported by the National Fire Safety Council and in partnership with local businesses, all students receive an educational fire safety coloring book and students in Preschool-2nd Grade receive fire helmets.

Assistant Chief White said that his time was spent talking to students about basic do’s and don’t’s when it comes to fire safety. He talked about household cooking and what to do in case of a fire. He talks to them about doing home drills and making a plan for evacuation. He taught them to always know two ways out of each room and encouraged them to make a family meeting place that everyone knows in case of an emergency. He also talked to them about how smoke detectors work and how to test them, encouraging them to take this knowledge home and put it to use.

This was the first year for the program to offer fire education to Elkhorn Elementary students, because the school is not within the city limits. Normally Fishing River Fire District has done their education but due to staff shortages, Excelsior picked it up this year. Assistant Chief White brought the fire truck out to give them an opportunity to explore and ask questions. He also showed them how a fire hose works and walked through how to use pieces of his equipment.

Excelsior Springs Fire Department Assistant Chief Camron White shows a Treehouse Preschool student how to use a fire hose

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