Excelsior Springs Community Center Special Project’s Director Jesse Hall sent an update on the Center’s Aquatic Center expansion project, which continues to make steady progress as workers prepare to lay tiles on the pool floor and apply plaster late next week. Last week, the final pour of the deck from the pool to the dome footings was completed, and plaster and tile arrived on site. Electricians and plumbers continued to work on the mechanical room and the pool deck, while additional grading took place for the new parking lot.

This week, fencing contractors will begin setting poles around the perimeter of the pool, while concrete will be poured north of the pool deck from mechanical rooms to the spray pad, with additional pouring taking place west of the deck. Unfortunately, part of the parking lot will need to be closed off starting Tuesday for a demo in preparation for pouring the new lots and curbs, with surveyors on site to set curbs for the new lot.
Additionally, workers will place additional trench drains outside the pool deck. Completion is estimated to be after the first of June.

Hall also sent an update on the work being done at Powell Lake in Century Park. Last week the site passed a compaction inspection on the dam. Seeding and straw were spread throughout the construction zone. The fence will stay around the pond until the stand of grass passes Chad Clevenger’s standards. This week he is expecting drawings for sediment forebay at Powell Lake to be received.

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