Ethan Edwards unloads AC units at the Good Samaritan Center

Ameren Gifts AC Units to Good Samaritan Center

Ameren Regional Account Executive, Mike Edwards and his son, Ethan delivered some very cool donations to the Good Samaritan Center of Excelsior Springs this week. Twenty new window air conditioner units were donated to the Center as part of Ameren’s Cool Down St. Louis Initiative. The program allows Ameren to distribute air-conditioning units and energy-efficient light bulbs to agencies throughout Missouri, including the Good Samaritan Center. The AC units will be distributed to clients of the Good Samaritan Center who have met with case workers who help determine the level of need. Edwards said their program is state-wide but Ameren tends to donate to organizations where their regional offices are located. Luckily for Excelsior Springs, Ameren has an office located here in town allowing the community to benefit from the program. “We’re happy to be able to help out however we can, especially with these hot temperatures we’ve been experiencing,” said Edwards.

To learn more about the program visit or follow Ameren Missouri on Facebook or Twitter. You can also contact the Good Samaritan Center at 108 S Thompson Ave, Excelsior Springs, MO, Phone: (816) 630-2718.

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