Amazon Adds Pawprint Emoji In Wake Of Driver’s Death

Just after days of losing an employee, Vice reports that Amazon sent a message to its employees letting them know of a change that would be taking place in regard to homes that have animals. The message reads: “We want to help ensure you aren’t surprised by our four-legged customers when on route, so be sure to check the Amazon Delivery App for the paw print icon in the ‘Delivery Notes’ indicating you should “be aware of a dog at this stop.” If we know Fido is nearby, we’ll add the paw print to give you a heads up. As always, contact the customer to help you with the pet, or ‘Driver Support’ in the Delivery App if you can’t reach the customer.”

On Monday, October 24, 2022, Ray County, Missouri deputies reported to a home on O Highway after a neighbor called stating an Amazon delivery truck had been parked, still running in the driveway of their neighbor’s home for over two hours. When deputies arrived they found the Amazon delivery driver dead in the yard with injuries that were consistent with animal bites. Two dogs, a German Shepherd and an English Mastiff, were reportedly aggressive toward deputies and emergency personnel at the scene, causing the deputies to fire at the mastiff. Both dogs retreated into the home. Upon seeing blood on the dog’s door, the sheriff and deputies entered the home, killing both dogs. An autopsy is now being conducted on the delivery driver’s body and a necropsy will be performed on the dogs to determine the contents in their stomachs. It is reported that results could take anywhere from eight to sixteen weeks.

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