Here are five Excelsior Springs Facebook Pages that you should be following for breaking information concerning us all:

1. City of Excelsior Springs

The City of Excelsior Springs offers information that is helpful for citizens, such as changes in public services, updates on construction projects, emergency alerts such as boil orders, and community news. Click here to visit their Facebook page. 

2. Excelsior Springs Police Department

The Excelsior Springs Police Department does a good job of alerting the community when there are road closures, events that may interrupt traffic, and community safety concerns. Click here to visit their Facebook page. 

3. Excelsior Springs Fire Department

The Fire Department offers insight on situations that they’re called to dealing with both Fire and EMS. They help in getting out the word when testing tornado sirens, share local news and celebrations of the department, and pics when citizens shower them with surprises. Click here to visit their Facebook page.

4. Excelsior Springs School District

The Excelsior Springs School District does a great job of speaking on behalf of all the schools in the district. Each of the schools have their own Facebook pages that you should follow for how news pertains to their own location, but the district is a good one to follow for changes when it comes to our youth. Click here to visit their Facebook page.

5. Excelsior Springs Hospital

The Excelsior Springs Hospital offers valuable information for us all when it comes to our health. They offer a variety of classes and educational events on various subjects. Most recently they’ve been offering opportunities for telehealth and are providing citizens access to the latest technological advances when it comes to health. Click here to visit their Facebook page.